1st. Choice Power Wash LLC.
Providing Professional, Affordable, Safe, Eco-Friendly Cleaning for your Residential/Commercial Needs

Browse Our Services-Power Washing
Browse Our Services-Power Washing
Commercial Cleaning

Commercial Store front, Parking Lots, Patio Areas
Bank Drive Thru, Parking Lots, Sidewalks
Gas Station Store Fronts, Parking Lots, Gas Pump
Pads and Dumpster Areas, and Dumpsters.
Exterior Building Washing for all types of Commercial/Industrial Buildings.
We use 100% Eco-friendly cleaning detergents and chemicals to clean what you need us to! Our chemicals along with HOT water insure that you will be satisfied with the work we have provided. Creating a beautiful,safe, inviting atmosphere for your customers and employee's. Our number one goal here at 1st choice is customer satisfaction. We will do what we need to do to make sure our customers are taken care of!

Residential/Commercial Roof Surfaces

We Provide a low pressure misting application to safely and effectively remove all moss and algae build up on your roof. Then we will apply a coating of a specially formulated Eco-friendly chemical that will reduce the growth of future moss or algae on your roof. (Special Equipment Required for Safety Purposes). Additional fees will apply. The Low Pressure Misting action of our equipment does not harm your roof, because it is being applied at a extremely low pressure mist, the detergents we use are specially formulated for roof cleaning, to make sure that we get your roof clean and moss and algae free, and keep it clean for years to come, the cleaner your roofs is the longer it will last. Saving you precious dollars over the next few years.

Residential Cleaning

Residential Exterior Cleaning of Sidewalks, Patios, Decks, Driveways, Gutters, Awnings, Roofs, Vinyl, Wood,Stucco,Aluminum, Steele Siding. Window Washing. We Use Children and Pet Safe Eco-friendly detergents/chemicals for our cleaning process, It has a very pleasing smell and does not smell like a strong toxic chemical, that way you do not have to worry about your property smelling like bleach or other chemicals, it will have a citrus smell that you will enjoy! And it Does Not! Harm your plants or vegetation. Any measure we need to take to safe guard your valuable property will be taken to insure your satisfaction!

We use a special foam application on our Residential/Commercial Exterior Building Washing that allows the detergent to remain on the surface we are cleaning longer allowing the soap more time to do its job and clean what you need us to clean. The Foaming action will remove mold, dirt and algae and make your building look fresh and new, just the way you want it to look. Clean,safe, and Inviting for your friends and family.( For houses with excessive mold or mildew may require extra equipment to safeguard your family and neighbors.) we will supply any equipment we may need to insure the safety of you and your family and neighbors!
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